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Information about myself and what encouraged me and prompted me to persevere in this matter - to create SREBP1a.com


1) LinkedIn

2) ResearchGate

3) SREBP1a in human hepatic lipogenesis and NAFLD/NASH

4) Pregnane X receptor (PXR)-dependent and SREBP1a-mediated human hepatic steatosis (NAFLD/NASH)


5) Infomation about PXR in hepatic energy metabolism


6) Ligand-dependent and -independent transcriptional regulation by PXR:


b) AKR1B10 


 PXR, SPTLC3 and the "NASH microbiota" HypothesisPXR, SPTLC3 and the "NASH microbiota" Hypothesis


Dissertation (2013):

Effects of nuclear receptor PXR on the regulation of hepatic de novo lipogenesis and sphingolipid synthesis and its potential implication in NAFLD/NASH (Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease/Non-alcoholic steatohepatitis).


Diploma thesis (2010):

The role of nuclear receptors in the pathogenesis of human NAFLD/NASH.